Certifications & standards
CheckWare is dedicated to delivering high-quality service, while at the same time prioritising safety and security for our customers, putting them firmly in the driver's seat. We understand the importance of being a trusted partner, which is why we continually work to maintain strict standards for security, certification and policy compliance.
Our commitment to ensuring our customers choose a safe and compliant supplier is evident through our extensive certification and carefully developed policies and procedures. With CheckWare, you can be sure that we take your governance, safety and security seriously.
Below you can see some of our established and well-known certifications and the standards we work towards.
Certifications & standards
CheckWare is CAIQ v4 compliant and can document necessary security controls in our SaaS (Software as a Service)
Cyber Essentials
CheckWare is certified in Cyber Essentials, showing we have minimized the risk for data security breach.
The Digital Technology Assessment Criteria for health and social care (DTAC) gives staff, patients and citizens confidence that the digital health tools they use meet their clinical safety, data protection, technical security, interoperability and usability and accessibility standards.
Global Trade Item
CheckWare is registered as an authenticated trademark at GS1 and has its own product number and barcode
ISO 14001:2015
CheckWare is certified according to ISO 14001 to reduce negative impact on the environment
ISO 27001:2022
CheckWare is certified according to ISO 27001, the world's most recognized standard for implementing management systems for information security