Digital user-controlled outpatient clinic for Epilepsy
Follow up 13 times more patients with the same resources and a significant reduction of patients who need to attend physical appointments at the hospital.
Digital user-controlled outpatient clinic for Epilepsy
A gap between expectations and reality led to frustration
The clinicians at the department of neurology at Vestre Viken HF experienced a gap between the national guidelines for epilepsy treatment and the healthcare they had the capacity and resources to oer to their patients. In addition, there was an increased focus on reducing the duration of the follow-up at the clinic, in order for the patient to receive follow-up by their GP and not a specialist. This led to the patients being referred back and forth between the neurology department and the GP, and long waiting lists to get the right medical care. Many recently diagnosed patients felt insecure and lonely, and experienced not receiving the follow-up they needed after getting the diagnosis.
Only 3% of patients need to attend a physical appointment at the hospital.
With CheckWare, they had the opportunity to collect all patient-reported data through a complete digital solution. Patients report digitally from home on their own mobile devices. The answers from the patients' assessments are automatically colour-coded in either green, yellow or red based on the level of symptoms, which indicate the patient's need for healthcare. A dedicated nurse handles all answered assessments, and the doctor is only involved in results related to yellow and red categorisation. This corresponds to about 16% of the patient reported data. The answers are also registered automatically in the electronic health record system. Patients now experience better follow-up and a closer dialogue with their clinician. Patients only need to meet for physical appointments when there is a real need for it, which has resulted in only 3% of patients needing to come for a physical appointment at the clinic. At the same time, the clinicians have a better overview of the patients' state of health than ever before.
"For me, as an epilepsy specialist, there is a very big difference in how many patients I treat and monitor now compared to before CheckWare. I have observed an increase from 10 patients annually, to the current 131 patients, without spending any more time on patient-centered work than I did before."
- Marte Syvertsen, Doctor at the department of neurology at Drammen Hospital, Vestre Viken HF